Saturday, March 1, 2008

yet another half-baked blog

From time to time I decide that I should have a blog, either as a place to snark about things that get under my skin, or because I don't have enough other stuff to do, or something like that.

So here's my latest crack at blogging - we'll see how it goes.

I'm mostly interested in blogging about music here - I love music, I love to rant about it, and argue about what's good, what's bad, and what's overrated. So that's what I'll do here. No talk about coding, or social justice, or politics, or computer geekery, or any of that other stuff. At least until such point as I change my mind.

Long ago, I had a blog where I talked about the sorts of music I like - when people ask me what I like, I often have a hard time answering that question, because I like a lot of different things. So I was listing artists I like, talking about why I liked them, and suggesting albums. Unfortunately, I did that blog with Wordpress, and the DB that all those posts are in is long gone. Sigh. Maybe I'll try to redo that for a while.

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